Quran lessons have been considered a guiding star for Muslims worldwide. They are free from contortion due to their inimitable eloquence, articulateness, magnificence, and style. They are an everlasting and living miracle of Allah Almighty. The Muslims believe that, unlike previous Books, the Holy Quran has not been distorted or altered. This point makes the learning of the Quran more significant.

We spend much of our time pursuing our daily life activities and find no time to discover the message of the Quran. Our lives are completely void of Peace of mind and soul. At this point, building a connection with Allah Almighty seems difficult. Quran lessons not only provide a stable relationship with Allah Almighty, but also they make you aware of the fact that reciting the Holy Quran is like talking to Allah Almighty.

The Quran also values reading, learning, contemplation, and gaining information. It intensifies this theme by declaring, “Say, ‘Are those who know equal to those who do not know?’ The Quran contains every little information that you must know, learn, believe in, practice, and avoid in your life. So, practically the Holy Quran increases your knowledge about this world and hereafter.


Online Quran Lessons

Due to the most delinquent technology, we make tutoring easy for you. We provide the best virtual learning experience to the students at TarteeleQuran.com. We offer classes to students in countries like the United States, Canada, Australia, and the United Kingdom. Our Online Quran lessons for kids and adults are as effective as the face-to-face sessions. Our instructors keep on motivating the students to learn the Book of Allah.

  • Benefits of Online Quran Lessons


  • Parents’ Monitoring

One of the most requisite facets of online Quran lessons is that it makes it easier for parents to record their children’s progress. They can also follow up with the teachers to ensure their children progress and benefit from their classes.

  • One-to-One Lessons

Online Quran lessons are more effective for children and have a variety of advantages. The one-on-one lessons encourage children to focus more and remain enthusiastic about memorizing the Holy Quran.

  • Flexibility in Timing and Accessibility

Online Quran learning allows you to choose your study schedule and available time. Furthermore, it greatly simplifies the learning process by eliminating the time spent traveling and waiting traditionally. Moreover, you have the option to make up the session if you are unable to attend due to unforeseen circumstances.


Online Quran Lessons for Kids and Adults

Online Quran lessons for kids and adults have become more popular in the United States, Canada, Australia, and the United Kingdom. People of all ages are very competent to learn Quran online to integrate the information. Muslim parents see convenient and useful services to learn the Quran online. TarteeleQuran.com is carrying out an outstanding job in providing useful training to kids and adults throughout the world.

Always be conscious that it is finest to find trustworthy teachers to conduct the lessons. Professional teachers can make learning more informative, stimulating, and highly effective. Do not worry, even if your kids and adults are complete beginners and don’t know anything about Quran reading. Our tutors in Online Quran lessons for kids and adults are well-trained and know how to help your kids learn Quran online. We start by recognizing the Arabic alphabet. By the end of the course, your kids will be able to read the Holy Quran fluently without making any mistakes.

If you are not a native of Arabic, you may find it difficult to learn. At the start, you may think that you will never be able to read or recite the Holy Quran. Therefore, you should make your mind clear of any stressful event or negative thought because after some lessons, you will be well aware of the teachings of the Holy Quran and the message of Allah almighty.


Online Quran Lessons with Tajweed

Tajweed is a very formal term in the framework of Quran recitation. In Quran reading and recitation, Tajweed is a bunch of verbal and articulation principles employed in reciting the Quran to rehearse it in the right way as the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was repeating. Online Quran lessons with Tajweed at TarteeleQuran.com remind you that each Arabic word has a Makhraj (an exit) and Sifaat (aspects or characteristics).

Understanding the Makhraj and Sifaat of each letter is a vital component of Tajweed. Occasionally, two words have identical exits, which makes mixing them up susceptible. So, if someone does not know the characteristics of each term, they may alter the implication of the words in the Quran recitation. Therefore, understanding and assigning the rules of Tajweed in reciting the Quran staves off the reciter from making such errors.


  • Roots and Principles of Tajweed

Online Quran lessons with Tajweed primarily comprise lectures that rely on listening and oral acknowledgment. Thus, the rule setter from the logical perspective is the Prophet (PBUH) because the Quran was disclosed to him from Allah SWT with Tajweed. However, the regulations and ordinances setters from the scientific point of view are the philosophers of the Quranic sciences.

  • Tajweed mainly depends on 4 matters:
  • Comprehension of the articulation points of the letters
  • Knowledge of the characteristics of the letters
  • Knowledge of what rules change in the notes because of the order of words
  • Exercising the tongue and much repetition


  • Importance of Tajweed

You will have the following benefits for learning the Tajweed.

  1. You will obtain the favor of the Holy Quran as the Quran come as an intercessor for you on the Day of Judgment.
  2. You will gain ten good deeds for each letter they recite from the Quran.
  3. You will be protected from making mistakes in reciting the Quran.
  4. You will be in the company of noble and obedient angels.
  5. You will be able to understand the verses of the Quran.
  6. You will have a higher status than other people.



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